Our Catholic Faith

The Catholic faith is the original form of Christianity, passed directly from Jesus Christ to His Apostles, whom He entrusted to establish His Church. The Apostles, in turn, passed on this faith to their successors—the Pope and bishops—ensuring an unbroken continuity for over 2,000 years, from Christ to the present day.

Faith christian family praying church medium shot

What are the basic beliefs of the Catholic Church?

The basic beliefs of the Catholic Church are founded on the teachings of Jesus Christ and the Apostles, passed down through Scripture and Sacred Tradition. These core beliefs include:

1.Belief in the Holy Trinity:

  • The Catholic Church believes in one God in three persons: the Father, the Son (Jesus Christ), and the Holy Spirit. This is the central mystery of the Christian faith.

2. Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior:

  • Catholics believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, fully divine and fully human, who became man to save humanity from sin through His life, death, and resurrection. He is the Savior of the world, and His teachings guide Catholic life.

3.The Church as the Body of Christ:

  • The Catholic Church was founded by Jesus Christ and continues His mission on Earth. It is one, holy, catholic (universal), and apostolic, meaning it is united, sacred, universal in reach, and built on the foundation of the Apostles.

4. The Sacraments:

  • Catholics believe in seven sacraments instituted by Christ, which are visible signs of God’s grace. These are:
    1. Baptism
    2. Confirmation
    3. Eucharist (Holy Communion)
    4. Penance (Reconciliation/Confession)
    5. Anointing of the Sick
    6. Holy Matrimony
    7. Holy Orders

5. The Real Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist:

  • Catholics believe that in the celebration of the Eucharist<, the bread and wine are transformed into the Body and Blood of Christ through transubstantiation. This is the central act of worship in the Catholic Mass.

6. The Bible and Sacred Tradition:

  • Catholics believe that God’s revelation comes through both Sacred Scripture (the Bible) and Sacred Tradition, which includes teachings passed down through the Apostles and their successors.

7. The Communion of Saints:

  • Catholics believe in the Communion of Saints, the spiritual union of all believers—living and deceased—who are part of the Body of Christ. Saints are holy individuals who have attained heaven and can intercede for the faithful on Earth.

8. Mary, the Mother of God:

  • Catholics honor Mary, the mother of Jesus, as the Mother of God and hold her in special veneration. They believe in her Immaculate Conception, perpetual virginity, and her Assumption into heaven.

9.Salvation through Grace, Faith, and Good Works:

  • Catholics believe that salvation is a gift from God through His grace, made possible by Jesus’ death and resurrection. While faith is essential, Catholics also emphasize that good works, living a moral life, and participating in the sacraments are necessary responses to God’s grace.

10. Moral Teachings and Social Justice:

  • Catholic morality is based on the Ten Commandments and the teachings of Jesus, particularly the call to love God and neighbor. The Church emphasizes the sanctity of life, care for the poor, and the promotion of justice, peace, and the common good.

11. The Last Things:

  • Catholics believe in life after death, including the reality of heaven, hell, and purgatory. At the end of time, Christ will come again to judge the living and the dead, and the faithful will experience eternal life with God.

What does our faith teach us?

Our faith teaches us several fundamental truths about God, humanity, and how we are called to live. These teachings provide guidance for our spiritual, moral, and everyday lives:

1. God’s Love and Existence:

  • Our faith teaches that God exists and is the creator of all things. He loves us unconditionally and desires a personal relationship with each of us, like a loving Father.
  • God is all-powerful, all-knowing, and present everywhere, yet intimately concerned with every aspect of our lives.

2. The Holy Trinity:

  • We believe in the Holy Trinity—one God in three persons: the Father, the Son (Jesus Christ), and the Holy Spirit. This central mystery teaches us that God is a communion of love, and we are invited to share in that love.

3. Jesus Christ, Our Savior:

  • Our faith teaches that Jesus Christ is the Son of God who became man to save humanity from sin. Through His life, death, and resurrection, Jesus opened the way for us to have eternal life with God.
  • Jesus’ teachings and example of love, compassion, and forgiveness guide us on how to live our lives.

4. The Sacraments as Sources of Grace:

  • Our faith teaches that the sacraments are visible signs of God’s grace. Through them, we receive the strength and grace to live according to God’s will.
  • The Eucharist, in particular, is the source and summit of Catholic life, where we receive the real presence of Jesus.

5. The Church as the Body of Christ:

  • The Catholic Church was established by Christ to continue His mission on earth. It is through the Church that we receive the sacraments, hear God’s Word, and grow in community with fellow believers.

6. Human Dignity and the Call to Love:

  • Our faith teaches that every person is made in the image and likeness of God, giving each human life inherent dignity and value.
  • We are called to love God with all our hearts and to love our neighbors as ourselves, promoting justice, compassion, and care for the poor and vulnerable.

7. Moral Living:

  • Our faith guides us in making moral choices based on the Ten Commandments, the teachings of Christ, and the wisdom of the Church. We are called to live virtuous lives, cultivating values like humility, kindness, honesty, and mercy.

8. The Afterlife and Eternal Life:

  • Our faith teaches that life continues after death. We believe in the reality of heaven, purgatory, and hell. Those who live according to God’s will can hope to spend eternity with Him in heaven.
  • We are reminded of the resurrection of the body and the promise of eternal life with God.

9. The Communion of Saints:

  • We believe in the Communion of Saints, which means that all believers, living and deceased, are united in Christ. The saints in heaven intercede for us, and we are encouraged to follow their example of holiness.

10. The Mission of Evangelization:

  • Our faith calls us to spread the Good News of Jesus Christ to others through our words, actions, and lives. We are sent forth to share God’s love, justice, and truth with the world.
Ultimately, our faith teaches us that God calls us to a relationship with Him, to live out His love in the world, and to seek eternal union with Him in heaven.
Closeup diverse people joining their hands

You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength and with all your mind; and your neighbour as yourself

(Luke 10:27)


What is the purpose of the Church?

The purpose of the Catholic Church is to continue the mission of Jesus Christ on earth, guiding people toward salvation, spiritual growth, and communion with God. Here are the key purposes of the Catholic Church:

1. To Proclaim the Gospel and Evangelize:

  • The Catholic Church’s primary mission is to proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ to all people. This is known as evangelization—bringing the message of salvation, love, and redemption to the world through Christ’s life, death, and resurrection.
  • The Church serves as a witness to the world of God’s love, truth, and mercy, inviting all people to enter into a relationship with God.

2. To Administer the Sacraments:

  • The Church is entrusted with the responsibility of administering the sacraments, which are visible signs of God’s grace. Through sacraments like Baptism, Eucharist, Confirmation, Confession, and others, the Church connects people to God and strengthens them on their spiritual journey.
  • The Eucharist, in particular, is the center of Catholic life, where the faithful receive the Body and Blood of Christ, deepening their communion with God and the Church.

3. To Teach and Uphold the Faith:

  • The Catholic Church is the custodian of the teachings of Jesus Christ, passed down through Sacred Scripture and Sacred Tradition. It is responsible for teaching, preserving, and explaining the faith in all its fullness.
  • The Church provides moral guidance based on Christ’s teachings, offering clarity on how to live according to God’s will in every aspect of life.

4. To Lead People to Holiness:

  • The Church exists to help people grow in holiness and live in accordance with God’s plan. Through the sacraments, prayer, Scripture, and guidance, the Church helps its members develop a closer relationship with God and encourages them to live virtuous lives.
  • The Church calls people to conversion, repentance, and ongoing spiritual renewal, guiding them on the path to heaven.

5. To Serve the Poor and Promote Social Justice:

  • The Catholic Church has a mission of charity and social justice, following Christ’s command to care for the poor, the sick, and the marginalized. The Church is committed to serving those in need and promoting human dignity and the common good.
  • The Church advocates for peace, justice, and the protection of human rights, working to alleviate suffering and transform society according to the principles of the Gospel.

6. To Provide Community and Foster Communion:

  • The Church is a community of believers, the Body of Christ on earth. It unites people from all walks of life into one family of faith, providing fellowship, support, and encouragement as they journey together in faith.
  • The Church fosters communion not only among its members but also between humanity and God, serving as a bridge that connects the earthly and divine.

7. To Prepare Souls for Eternal Life:

  • The ultimate goal of the Church is to lead people to eternal salvation. Through its teachings, sacraments, and moral guidance, the Church helps individuals to live in accordance with God’s will, preparing them for eternal union with God in heaven.
  • The Church teaches about the reality of heaven, purgatory, and hell, emphasizing the importance of living a life of faith, hope, and love to attain eternal life with God.

8. To Be a Visible Sign of God’s Kingdom:

  • The Catholic Church is called to be a visible sign of God’s Kingdom on earth. Through its liturgy, sacraments, and witness, the Church makes God’s presence known and invites all people to participate in His divine life.
  • The Church works to bring about the reign of God in the world, promoting love, justice, and peace, while pointing to the fullness of the Kingdom that will come at the end of time.