Holy Matrimony

“Man and woman were created for each other.” - Genesis 2:18; 24

Holy Matrimony

Holy Matrimony, or Marriage, is one of the seven sacraments of the Catholic Church. It is a sacred covenant between a man and a woman, instituted by God, in which they vow to love and support one another for life. This sacrament reflects the union between Christ and His Church and is a source of grace for the couple to live out their marriage in faith, love, and fidelity.

Significance of Holy Matrimony

  1. A Lifelong Covenant

    Marriage in the Catholic Church is a permanent, indissoluble covenant. It is not merely a contract but a sacred bond that mirrors the enduring love between Christ and His Church.

  2. Sacrament of Love

    Matrimony sanctifies the love between husband and wife, enabling them to live in faithful, self-giving love. The couple is called to help each other grow in holiness and to create a family rooted in Christian values.

  3. Partnership in God’s Plan

    Through Holy Matrimony, a husband and wife become co-creators with God, open to the gift of new life. Children born of this union are to be raised in the faith, helping to build up the Church and the Kingdom of God.

Biblical Foundation

The sacrament of Matrimony is deeply rooted in Scripture. In the Book of Genesis (Genesis 2:24), God establishes marriage from the beginning of creation:
“Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh.”

Jesus affirmed the sanctity of marriage in the Gospels (Matthew 19:4-6) when He said:
“What God has joined together, no human being must separate.”

Marriage is also seen as a reflection of the relationship between Christ and the Church, as described by St. Paul in Ephesians 5:25-32
“Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the Church and gave Himself up for her.”

The Rite of Holy Matrimony

The celebration of Holy Matrimony typically takes place within the context of a Mass. The key elements of the Rite include:

  1. Consent (Exchange of Vows)

    The most essential part of the sacrament is the couple’s free and full consent to enter into marriage. The bride and groom exchange vows before God and the Church, promising to love and honor each other for life. The priest or deacon receives these vows on behalf of the Church.

  2. Blessing and Exchange of Rings

    The couple exchanges rings as a sign of their love and fidelity. The priest blesses the rings, and they are placed on each other’s fingers as a symbol of their lifelong commitment.

  3. Nuptial Blessing

    After the exchange of vows and rings, the priest offers a Nuptial Blessing, asking God to strengthen and sanctify the marriage, that the couple may live out their vocation in love, faithfulness, and openness to life.

  4. Communion (if within Mass)

    If the ceremony takes place within a Mass, the couple and the congregation participate in the Eucharist, symbolizing their unity with Christ and His Church. Receiving the Eucharist together strengthens the couple’s bond and commitment to live their married life in faith.

Essential Characteristics of Catholic Marriage

  1. Unity
    Marriage unites one man and one woman in an exclusive, lifelong partnership. This unity reflects the perfect unity of Christ and His Church.

  2. Indissolubility
    Catholic marriage is permanent. Once a valid marriage is celebrated, it cannot be dissolved. Divorce does not exist in Catholic teaching, although the Church recognizes that civil separations may sometimes be necessary for safety or legal reasons. An annulment may be granted if it is determined that a valid sacramental marriage never existed from the beginning.

  3. Openness to Life
    Catholic spouses are called to be open to the gift of children. Marriage is ordered toward the procreation and education of children, and the Church teaches that artificial contraception contradicts the openness to life inherent in the sacrament.

  4. Faithfulness
    The couple vows to remain faithful to each other in good times and in bad, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, until death. This faithfulness is essential to the sacrament and mirrors Christ’s eternal faithfulness to His Church.

The Role of Grace in Matrimony

Holy Matrimony provides the grace necessary for spouses to live out their vows in everyday life. The sacrament strengthens them to:

  • Love selflessly: The grace of the sacrament enables spouses to love each other with the same self-giving love that Christ has for His Church.

  • Forgive and grow: Marriage involves challenges, but the grace of the sacrament helps couples to overcome difficulties, forgive each other, and grow in their relationship.

  • Raise children in faith: Catholic parents are called to be the primary educators of their children in the faith, teaching them about Christ, prayer, and Christian values.

Preparation for Matrimony

In the Catholic Church, couples are required to undergo a period of preparation before receiving the sacrament of Matrimony. This process, known as Pre-Cana, includes:

  • Marriage preparation classes that focus on the sacramental meaning of marriage, communication, conflict resolution, and practical aspects of family life.

  • Meetings with a priest or deacon to discuss the spiritual significance of marriage, the couple’s readiness, and any potential obstacles.

  • Reflection on openness to life, ensuring that the couple understands the Church’s teaching on procreation and family planning.

Marriage as a Vocation

Marriage is a vocation—a calling from God to live out His love in the world. Spouses are called to be a visible sign of Christ’s love for the Church. By faithfully living their married life, couples become witnesses of God’s love and grace to their family, friends, and community.

The sacramental marriage states that bride and groom enter a covenant that is FREE, FULL, FAITHFUL, AND FRUITFUL:

  • FREE

    Both understand what the sacrament of marriage means and implies, and are entering the union free from any fear and without being coerced

  • FULL

    Both promise to share truthfully and fully in all aspects of their lives


     Both are entering into this covenant with the intention of a life-long commitment, exclusive of all others


    Both promise to accept children lovingly and promise to form them according to the ways of Jesus Christ according to the Catholic Church

One unique difference between the Sacrament of Marriage and other Sacraments is that it is the spouses themselves who confer the Sacrament upon one another, rather than the deacon, priest or bishop.  For this sacrament, the deacon/priest/bishop is present as the church’s witness to the Sacrament being declared and conferred by a man and woman.

Planning for Marriage in the Catholic Church

Since the Catholic Church believes that marriage is a commitment made for life, preparation for marriage must not only recognize that commitment but also seek to insure that both parties are capable of making such a commitment.  Our Lady Star of the Sea Parish requires that those wishing to be married give a minimum of six months notice.  Anyone contemplating marriage at Our Lady Star of the Sea Parish should contact the Parish Priest regarding details and specific preparation available for this sacrament.

Our Lady Star of the Sea Parish will assist you in preparing to live the sacramental marriage vocation. Marriage is central to the meaning of the Church. You are beginning a new call in the Body of Christ through your commitment in Christian Marriage. Our program of premarital preparation is designed to give you the best in guidance and support.

Marriage Validation

Couples married outside the Catholic Church who would like to inquire about having their marriage validated in the Catholic Church are asked to please reach out to the Parish Priest, Rev. Fr. Dr. Titus Imojime via email at fatherimojime@gmail.com or by phone at +232 34 476 224 / +232 74 868 899.