Catholic Women's Association (CWA)

"Empowered by faith and united in purpose, the Catholic Women’s Association (CWA) stands as a pillar of strength and service in the Church. With hearts rooted in love, we strive to uplift one another, support our parish, and make a meaningful difference in the lives of those around us, always guided by the values of compassion, unity, and faith."

Catholic Women’s Association (CWA)

Mother Augusta Allieu

President - CWA/OLSS


Welcome to the Catholic Women’s Association of our Parish! Our vibrant and dedicated group is committed to fostering spiritual growth, community service, and fellowship among women of all ages. Through a wide array of activities and initiatives, we strive to support our church, uplift our community, and deepen our faith.

Our association organizes regular prayer meetings where women can come together to seek spiritual nourishment and share their faith journeys. These gatherings are a cornerstone of our mission, providing a space for reflection, prayer, and spiritual renewal.

In addition to our spiritual endeavors, we are deeply involved in charitable works that make a tangible difference in the lives of those around us. Our members are passionate about living out their faith through acts of service.

Our social gatherings are equally important, offering a chance for women to build lasting friendships and enjoy a sense of community. Whether it’s a casual coffee morning, a themed dinner, or a family picnic, these events foster a welcoming environment where everyone feels valued and included.

By joining the Catholic Women’s Association, you will find a supportive network of women who share your commitment to faith and service. Together, we can grow spiritually, contribute to meaningful causes, and create lasting bonds. We invite you to join us on this journey, enriching our parish and community through your unique gifts and talents.

About Us

The Catholic Women’s Association (CWA) is a lay movement with the mandate to empower catholic women spiritually, morally, socially and economically for the purpose of evangelizing families and societies at large. The Catholic Women’s Association of Our Lady Star of the Sea Parish falls under the Juba Deanery in the Archdiocese of Freetown.


“Love one another and consideration for all”


To seek and bear witness to Christ, committed to holistic development of the catholic women and families in the parish.


The group is involved in many activities organized to help in their spiritual growth and evangelization. These include retreats, visits to the sick, sharing the word of God in all its meetings and gatherings, celebration of days of obligation in a special way and active participation in parish activities. The members also participate in deanery and diocesan CWA events. Other than monthly meetings members are engaged in their growth through their various small Christian community/zonal meetings.


Membership is opened to all baptized and practicing women of the catholic faith and to those women preparing for baptism of 18 years and above (married or single) who are parishioners at Our Lady Star of the Sea Parish, Juba.


The Executive meet when the need arises, but at least once a month, preferably before a general meeting. The general meeting holds every third Sunday in a month immediately after the 10:00 am Mass for important briefings of the Association’s happenings at the parish, deanery and arch diocese level.

Executive Members

Mother Jestina Bockarie

Vice President

Mother Maria Isata Gborie


Mother Damba Isata Amara

Deputy Secretary

Mother Patricia Samba

Financial Secretary

Mother Amira Alghali Kaitibi


Mother Martha Joan Moigua

Social Secretary

Mother Kadiatu S. Sandy

Deputy Social Secretary

Mother Lucy Koroma


Mother Susan Yajah


Mother Francess F. Kondoh

Auditor 1

Mother Rosamond Koroma

Auditor 2

Mother Tenneh M. Kainyande

Auditor 3

Mother Emeritus J. Mohamed


Mother Emeritus Mary Maddy


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