Altar Servers
The Altar Server ministry is a vital part of the Catholic Church, fostering a spirit of service and reverence in its younger members while contributing to the solemnity and smooth execution of the liturgy.
About Us
Altar Servers are young volunteers in the Catholic Church who assist the priest during Mass and other liturgical ceremonies. Their primary role is to support the clergy by performing tasks such as preparing the altar, carrying candles, holding books, and presenting the bread, wine, and water used in the Eucharist. By doing so, they help ensure that the liturgy is conducted smoothly and reverently, enhancing the sacred atmosphere of the celebration.
Key Responsibilities
- Preparation: Altar Servers arrive before the start of Mass to help prepare the altar and ensure that all items needed for the service are in place.
- Procession: They participate in the entrance and exit processions, often carrying candles, a cross, or incense.
- Assisting the Priest: Throughout the Mass, Altar Servers assist the priest by handing him the missal (the book of prayers), arranging the chalice and other sacred vessels, and bringing forward the bread and wine.
- Symbolic Roles: They help with the presentation of gifts from the congregation and may serve in symbolic actions, such as holding the candle during the Gospel reading or ringing the bell during the consecration.
Importance of Altar Servers
Altar Servers play a crucial role in the Catholic Church’s liturgy. They act as models of faith and reverence for the congregation, particularly the younger members of the parish. The position allows them to develop a deeper understanding of the Catholic faith and the significance of the Mass. By serving in this role, they also learn about responsibility, commitment, and teamwork.
Training and Formation
Before becoming an Altar Server, children and young people usually undergo a period of training. This training, typically provided by the parish, teaches them the basics of the Mass, the names and uses of the sacred items, and the proper ways to conduct themselves during services. Some parishes may also provide spiritual formation to help Altar Servers grow in their faith while they serve.
Age and Eligibility
In most parishes, Altar Servers are typically young Catholics who have received their First Holy Communion, usually between the ages of 7 and 18. Many servers continue in this ministry throughout their teenage years, and some may even continue as adults. While the role is often filled by boys, many parishes now have both boys and girls serving at the altar.
Role in Spiritual Growth
Serving at the altar provides a unique opportunity for young people to deepen their relationship with God. By actively participating in the Mass, they witness the liturgy in a meaningful way, allowing them to connect more deeply with the sacraments and understand the importance of serving others in the Church.